/** * trs web 1.0 // 2012.04.28 // jquery 1.1.2+ * * * @author maigc < shao.guangqi@trs.com.cn> */ (function($){ /** * simple tab switch * example $("[rel=itab]").tab('[rel=ipad]','content2_right2_1_1ulli1','content2_right2_1_1ulli2'); * @param padselector //jquery selector * @currclass // css class * @otherclass // css class **/ $.fn.tab = function(padselector,currclass,otherclass,isclick){ var tabs = $(this); tabs.css({cursor:'pointer'}) var pads = $(padselector); pads.not(':eq(0)').hide(); function over(){ var currtab = $(this); var at = tabs.index(currtab); var curpad = pads.eq(at); currtab.removeclass(otherclass).addclass(currclass); tabs.not(currtab).removeclass(currclass).addclass(otherclass); curpad.show(); pads.not(curpad).hide(); } if(tabs.size() == pads.size() ){ if(isclick){ tabs.click(over); }else{ tabs.hover(over,function(){}); } } } /** * then hover element and change it's style class * example $('[rel=chnllist] li').hoverclass('content2_left1li1','content2_left1li2'); * @param overclass //css class when over * @param outclass //css class when out **/ $.fn.hoverclass = function(overclass,outclass,onlyover){ $(this).css({cursor:'pointer'}); var curobjs = $(this); var both = !(onlyover || false); both && $(this).hover(function(){ var curobj = $(this); curobj.removeclass(outclass).addclass(overclass); },function(){ var curobj = $(this); curobj.removeclass(overclass).addclass(outclass); }); onlyover && $(this).hover(function(){ var curobj = $(this); var otherobjs = curobjs.not(curobj); curobj.removeclass(outclass).addclass(overclass); otherobjs.removeclass(overclass).addclass(outclass); },function(){}); }; $.fn.link = function(selector){ $(this).eq(0).data("linkobj",$(selector)) return this; } $.fn.cascadeclass = function(overclass,outclass,eventname){ var linkobjs = $(this).eq(0).data("linkobj"); if(linkobjs && eventname){ var curobjs = $(this); curobjs[eventname](function(){ var curobj = $(this); var at = curobjs.index(curobj); var curlinkobj = linkobjs.eq(at) var otherlinkobjs = linkobjs.not(curlinkobj); curlinkobj.removeclass(outclass).addclass(overclass); otherlinkobjs.removeclass(overclass).addclass(outclass); }); } } /** * then over element and change it's style class * example $('[rel=chnllist] li').overclass('content2_left1li1','content2_left1li2'); * @param overclass //css class when over * @param outclass //css class when out **/ $.fn.overclass = function(overclass,outclass){ var allobjs = $(this); $(this).css({cursor:'pointer'}); $(this).hover(function(){ $(this).removeclass(outclass).addclass(overclass); allobjs.not(this).removeclass(overclass).addclass(outclass); },function(){ }); }; /** * flash ?????? * example use it in web html * @warn it's nested a flash file that you could find it in it's package ${root_path}images/flash01.swf * var pics = [],links = [],texts = []; * * pics.push(''); * links.push(''); * texts.push(''); * * $('[rel=imgflashcontainer]').switchimg(flashcfg); * @param cfg{{ * pics : pics ,//pic url * links : links ,//doc url * texts : texts,//title * focus_width : 242 , //pic width * focus_height : 145 ,//pic height * text_height : 25//title height * }} **/ $.fn.switchimg = function(cfg){ //???????? with(cfg){ cfg.pics = (pics||[]).join('|'); cfg.links= (links||[]).join('|'); cfg.texts= (texts||[]).join('|'); cfg.data = 'pics='+pics+'&links='+links+'&texts='+texts+'&borderwidth='+ focus_width+'&borderheight='+focus_height+'&textheight='+text_height; cfg.swf_height = focus_height+text_height } var codebase = 'http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0'; var pluginspage = 'http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'; var objflash = cfg.$root_path || './images/flash01.swf'; var option = { codebase : 'http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0', pluginspage : pluginspage , objflash : objflash }; cfg = $.extend({},option,cfg); with(cfg){ var picflashhtml = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']; } var container = $(this); var picflash = $(picflashhtml.join('')); $('> img',container).replacewith(picflash); //$(picflashhtml.join('')).appendto(container); }; /** * delay execute a function * example $.deplay(100,function(){console.info('hello')}) * @param int // int/ms // time 1000ms = 1s * @param callback // function // **/ $.delay = function(int,callback){ var env = this; env.callback = callback || new function(); env.arg = array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments,[0,arguments.length]); env.timerid = window.settimeout(function(){ env.callback(); },int); return env.timerid; } /** * stop delay function * example $.$stop([timerid]) * @param timerid //int **/ $.$stop = function(timerid){ var env = this; var timerid = timerid || env.timerid; window.cleartimeout(timerid); } /** * when you execute $.$stop and you could execute $.start() start it * example $.start() **/ $.start = function(){ var env = this; $.delay.apply(null,env.arg); } /** * like switchimg and it's nested a style file(trs_web.css) and same html section * @html section *
* * * *
* * ??????? *
* @param var cfg = { * img_w:313, //show img width * img_h:200, //how img height * intrl0 : 1000, //change one img used * isfit : false, //auto fit image size * delay : 3000 //the time between two img switch * }; * example $("div[class=outfrm]").scrollimg(cfg); **/ $.fn.scrollimg = function(config){ //defults options var defaults = { img_w:313,//????????? img_h:200,//????????? intrl0 : 1000, showfn : "fadein", hidefn : "fadeout", isfit : false, delay : 3000 }; var q = this; q.mainimgfrm = q.find("div[class=mainimgfrm]");//??? q.img = q.find("div[class=mainimgfrm] img");//??? q.title = q.find("a[name=title]");//???? q.sequence = q.find("ul[class=sequence] li");//???????? $.extend(q,config,defaults); with(q){ q.sq1 = sequence.eq(0);//??????????????? q.num = sequence.size(); q.css({position:'relative',padding:'0px',margin:'0px'}); q.width(img_w).height(img_h+27); q.mainimgfrm.width(img_w).height(img_h+2).css({'line-height':img_h+2+"px"}); img.width(img_w).height(img_h); img.changeimg = function changeimg(sq,callback){//????? var call = callback || new function(); with(q){ img[hidefn](intrl0,function(){//??????????? title.html(sq.attr("title"))//??i???? title.attr("href",sq.attr("link"));//??i???? title.attr("title",sq.attr("title"));//??i??? img.attr("src",sq.attr("img"));//??i????? //console.info(sq.attr("img")); sequence.not(sq).removeclass("over");//??????? sq.addclass("over");//??????? if(isfit) img.fit(img_w,img_h,1000);//????????? img[showfn](intrl0,function(){call();});//??? }); return img; } } q.sequenceshow = function sequenceshow(at){//????? //if(!jquery.fx.off){} with(q){ var _at = at || 0; ++_at; //console.info("at:="+at); $.delay.apply(q,[delay,function(){ img.changeimg(sequence.eq((_at%num)),function(){sequenceshow(_at)}); }]) //img.delay(delay).changeimg(sequence.eq((_at%num)),function(){sequenceshow(_at)}); } } img.changeimg(q.sq1); if(sequence && sequence.size()<=1) return ;//?????????????? //window.img = img; sequence.click(function(){//????????? jquery.fx.off=true; //cleartimeout(timeid); $.$stop.apply(q,[]); img.show(); img.changeimg($(this)); img.at = sequence.index(this); //console.info(at); }).hover(function(){//?????????,???????? jquery.fx.off=true; $.$stop.apply(q,[]); img.show(); img.changeimg($(this)); img.at = sequence.index(this); },function(){ jquery.fx.off=false; $.start.apply(q,[]); //q.sequenceshow(img.at); }); q.sequenceshow(); } }; })(jquery);